Saja nak tulis pasal couple2 ni.. dah lama dah berdiam tentang hal ni...dulu2 mmg la konsep ni cam samar2, tak sure boleh ke tak buleh..
tapi skrg ni, rasanya cam terang lagi bersuluh... semua tahu tak boleh, salah, tak ada dalam sisi Islam dan adalah one step closer to ZINA!
masakan bersepah lagi yang bercouple- couple?
masakan penuh pantai batu burok tu dengan lelaki perempuan berkepit?
masakan nampak lagi di bandar sheffield ni, student2 berpegangan tangan sesama bukan mahram?
Aduh- aduh...memang benarlah... dont judge a religion by its people...kalau tak mmg lama dah orang lari drp Islam because akan datang sok sek sok sek, cakap tak serupa bikin...
Alaaa akak... relax la... saya tak buat apa pun... kami 'ikhlas' berkawan...kami janji kawin lepas uni...
Apa kak sebuk2? Ikut suka saya la, kubur masing2... saya tak ganggu akak pun.. kami saling menyayangi...salah ke?!
Emak aku pun tak penah tegur, apa akak ni sebuk2... oi akak, mak ayah saya dah bagi blessing laa.. aku pegi kuar makan ngan dia pun dpt restu my parents...yang akak ni gatai nak masuk campur tu apasal ha? Jaga tepi kain sendiri dululah!
Erm..tapi kan akak... semua kawan2 saya ada boyfren n girlfren... rasa cam best gak kalau ada pasangan, rasa disayangi... best tau kak, ada org belanja makan..ada org care... apa salahnya, kalau setakat ringan2? kan manusia tu fitrahnya suka kepada berlainan jantina? Saya dah tak sanggup rasanya hidup tanpa dia...
Kak...saya tahu saya bersalah...saya tahu ni tak betul, tapi kan kak, saya dh tak daya lagi menolak... saya dah lemas...saya dah cuba menolak... tapi dia tetap datang, sy x sanggup melihat dia kecewa kerana saya...saya dah tak berdaya lagi...
Ni mungkin antara respons2 yang dilontarkan ..terperangkap dalam jerangkap samar syaitan...
Apakan daya, sayang seribu kali sayang...apa jua alasannya..the bottom line, it is wrong and will stay wrong! no matter what the excuses are... Syaitan akan menampakkan indah perbuatan yg haram dan menggoda kaum adam dan hawa bersama2nya ke neraka jahannam... Betapa banyaknye anak2 luar nikah... zina berleluasa, rogol semuanya kerna manusia tidak lagi menurut kata Tuhannya... Apakah kita lagi berilmu dan hebat drp Yang menciptakan Langit dan Bumi dan seluruh isinya??!!
Amboi amboi.... emosinya menulis...
beginilah adik2 ku sekalian...
tepuk dada, kuatkanlah iman...
Hanya iman yg dpt menguatkan mu..
jika kamu meninggalkan sesuatu semata-mata kerana Allah,
Allah sudah berjanji akan menggantikannya dengan jauh lebih baik...
percaya lah....
Bagi ibu bapa pula...
Jika kamu merestui anak mu berbuat maksiat, maka tunggulah di hari pembalasan di mana setiap action akan di tanya... sayangilah keluarga mu, isteri mu, anak-anak mu daripada api neraka yang menyala-nyala...
seposen dua dariku....
Sila lihat video ini... Katakan TAK NAK COUPLE!
Tuesday, 18 March 2008
Posted by
ana muslim
Wednesday, 12 March 2008
What does it means? Erm, awat tak pernah dengar pun d word? Tajarrud is one concept in Islam, which I think is unique and beautiful and should be instilled in each of us, the muslims. This term is actually in the arkanul bai’ah..written by hasan Al-banna.. which, alhamdulillah, I have the priviledge to learn of it..
A bit of flash back- the first time I heard of this word is when I was a learning the book - Muntalaq. The ustaz’s explanation of the word sticks to my mind until today..he described it as being naked (bogel).. no, no, don’t think negatively please. He further explained that tajarrud is the act of the mind, body and soul of taking off ALL which is not Islam and leave only Islam in the life. To leave jahiliyyah and embrace the totalness of Islam as a complete way of life..a beautiful state to be in.
Last year I went thro the concept again with a teacher, whom I see him as somebody who is wise and very humble. In which makes me think that sometimes we are not humble in our speech and our doings despite the little knowldge and experience that we have. Anyhow.. he explained and this is the understanding of it thro my own uneloquent words..
Tajarrud means to reject all other kind of ism, i.e. ideology and to only hold fast to the principle of Islam and stand with it whatever storms that may hit you till the end..
Well, perhaps some of us will think, yeah, I have this ‘tajarrud’ in me.. I believe in Islam and the principles..and I do my five daily prayers, do my sawm (puasa) etc.. But the question is now, do you really totally reject other kind of ideology? Are you sure you are not influenced by other ism , socialist, capitalist etc and mistaken it in being Islam? Will you stand with Islam in happy and through the tough times? Will your stand waivers with offers or enticing opportunity that a materialist will think it is to die for? Will you never ever let go of this deen even if it means that you’ll loose your life?
My answer to this, I dont know. I hope so. But I know that we should strive for it inshaAllah and ask Allah to help us in our quest as believers.
To make it even clearer to you, here are some examples of tajarrud from the Islamic history..
1) Suhayb Ar-rumi : He is one of the sahabah priviledged to go for hijrah during the time of our beloved prophet, muhammad He was not an arab, and hence the cut the story short, he embraced Islam and since he is very good merchant, he made a lot of wealth during his stay in Makkah. When the call for hijrah was announced, he wanted to go for hijrah as well, but of course, the mushrikeen in Mekkah wont allow him. But since he is very good with bow and arrow, he managed to make the mushrikeen at bay, but the mushrikeen demanded him to leave all his wealth that he accumulated in Mekkah and leave Mekkah as he once entered Mekkah. Then the mushrikeen even demanded him to take off his clothes. He agreed to it for his heart was eagerly wanted to do hijrah and be with the beloved prophet. He then saw a sack, and wore the sack all the way to Madinah. The prophet muhammad s.a.w was already there and when he met the prophet, nabi muhammad s.a.w berkata ‘(Rafa’al bai’) - jual beli kamu is a success.
- he has the ‘tajarrud’ in him, stadfastness in the principle that he believed in whatever circumstances faced him - and indeed what a successfull jual beli it is.
Another example from Islamic movement is the story of :
2) Syed Qutb - i’m sure all of you know the story, perhaps you can tell me, how in his story exemplifies tajarrud? if you don’t know his story, then you can let me know, i will will write more of him here..its just that this is a long posting already, and not wanting it to make it longer.
Do you have more examples that shows tajarrud which you can think of? If you do, perhaps you can share with us here..
Just to add a bit more…
Tajarrud in the collective work- means to stick to the principles of the group that we believe in and not confusing it with other matters. If you believe that the principles is Islam, then stick to it, it may be that sometimes langit tak selalu cerah, imperfect human beings in it might make mistakes, but the principles will always be the one to refer back to…and in the end, what we want is the redha of Allah..
May Allah strengthen us .. and may all of us have tajarrud..ameen.
Posted by
ana muslim