Friday, 5 September 2008



(Ingatlah), kamu ini adalah orang-orang yang bertabiat demikian kamu diseru supaya menderma dan membelanjakan sedikit dari harta benda kamu pada jalan Allah,

maka ada di antara kamu yang berlaku bakhil, padahal sesiapa yang berlaku bakhil maka sesungguhnya dia hanyalah berlaku bakhil kepada dirinya sendiri dan (ingatlah) Allah Maha kaya (tidak berhajat kepada sesuatupun), sedang kamu semua orang-orang miskin (yang sentiasa berhajat kepadaNya dalam segala hal)

dan jika kamu berpaling (daripada beriman, bertakwa dan berderma) Dia akan menggantikan kamu dengan kaum yang lain; setelah itu mereka tidak akan berkeadaan seperti kamu.

(Surah Muhammad :38)

(Here you are now invited to spend in Allah's cause; but among you are those who withhold (stingily).) meaning, they refuse to spend. Allah continues,

(And whoever acts stingily is but stingy toward himself.) meaning, he only reduces his own rewards, and the bad outcome of that will come back to him.

(For Allah is indeed Al-Ghani) Allah is in need of nothing else, whereas everything is ever in need of Him. Thus, Allah says,

(while you are the needy.) meaning, specifically of Him. The description of Allah as Al-Ghani (in no need) is a necessary description of Allah; on the other hand, the description of the creation as Faqr (needy) is a necessary description for them that they cannot avoid. Allah then says,

(And if you turn away, ) which means, if you turn away from obeying Him and adhering to His Laws.

(He will replace you with other people; then they will not be like you.) meaning, rather, they will be people who will listen to Him and obey His commands.

And Allah is worthy of all praise and gratitude...

Taken from tafsir ibnu kathir...

Sama2 kita ponder upon ayat di atas.........

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