Wednesday, 16 July 2008

Spain 2 : Granada - Alhambra

Sampai la kami di Alhambra - Yusof dan Musreen

The Alhambra (Arabic: الحمراء = Al-Ħamrā; literally "the red one"; the complete name is "Qal'at al-Hambra", which means "The red fortress") is a palace and fortress complex of the Moorish monarchs of Granada in southern Spain (known as Al-Andalus when the fortress was constructed), occupying a hilly terrace on the southeastern border of the city of Granada.

The Palacio de Generalife (Arabic: Jannat al-'Arif - Architect's Garden) was the summer palace and country estate of the Nasrid sultans of Granada.

Suasana didalam jannah al-arif :)

Antara ukiran hiasan di dinding2

Di siling- bentuk kubah berbalam2 adalah antara trademark Alhambra ini..
Bergambar di Generalife - Architect's garden

Ni pulak dalam Court of the Lions - tapi lions nye kene angkut sbb refurbished..

Antara ciri yang tak dapat dipisahkan dengan Alhambra ialah khat yang memenuhi istana tersebut : motto oleh Muhammad Ibn al-Ahmar’s dimana di ukir "Wa la ghalib illa Allah!" bermaksud"There is no conqueror but Allah"

Banyak lagi gamba2 dan kisah2 yang akan dikongsi inshaAllah...

1 comment:

  1. brilliant pictures. it is just by looking at the pictures, can resembles how picturesque andalusia is. was it taken by cik lalat? ;)
